As we move into the cold part of the year, we turn our heads toward indoor activities. This fall season we will be going out of our homes on various adventures in search of cultural attractions and beer. Are you going to any cool Halloween parties? Are you going to any radical shows or exhibits? I want you to tell me cuz I get bored hangin out in Allston all the time. That's why they call it All-ston. What are you doing tonight? "Uhhh I guess I'll see you at the Model.." Screw that! Perhaps you should broaden your horizons! Perhaps you should go to an art show and hang out with me. So here are 2 to choose from:1.)
Got-Art? "Affordable Art Show"
The Zullo Gallery
456A. Main Street
Medfield, MA 02052
Opening Reception:
Thursday October 30th, 6-9pm
Must RSVP to attend
Open to the Public:
Friday October 31st, 10am-4pm (take a painting home for a test drive)
Saturday November 1st, 10am-5pm
Sunday November 2nd, 12-4pm
Got Art? website
Christopher's in Porter Sq.
1920 Mass Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140
My work will be up from November 11th thru December 19th. This place has delicious food and a really awesome atmosphere. Please try not to miss this one.
Hope to see you there!!!
Christompher's Website