Friday, December 19, 2008


Painting for Album Cover for my band Before Lazers entitled Supreme Breakfast. Acrylic, ink, and mixed media on wood art board. 18x36". The 22+ song album is due out in early 2009!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Art Update 11.13.08

South Station

Kenmore from Cambridge

Camo Deer #2

Summertime Diptych Sculpture

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall 2008 Update/New paintings

As we move into the cold part of the year, we turn our heads toward indoor activities. This fall season we will be going out of our homes on various adventures in search of cultural attractions and beer. Are you going to any cool Halloween parties? Are you going to any radical shows or exhibits? I want you to tell me cuz I get bored hangin out in Allston all the time. That's why they call it All-ston. What are you doing tonight? "Uhhh I guess I'll see you at the Model.." Screw that! Perhaps you should broaden your horizons! Perhaps you should go to an art show and hang out with me. So here are 2 to choose from:


Got-Art? "Affordable Art Show"

The Zullo Gallery
456A. Main Street
Medfield, MA 02052

Opening Reception:
Thursday October 30th, 6-9pm
Must RSVP to attend

Open to the Public:
Friday October 31st, 10am-4pm (take a painting home for a test drive)
Saturday November 1st, 10am-5pm
Sunday November 2nd, 12-4pm

Got Art? website


Christopher's in Porter Sq.

1920 Mass Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140

My work will be up from November 11th thru December 19th. This place has delicious food and a really awesome atmosphere. Please try not to miss this one.

Hope to see you there!!!

Christompher's Website

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Vakay, I'm Out!

Meghan and I will be going to Florida and Georgia for 2 weeks! The 1st week or so we will be chillin with Meg's dad, who is a cool guy. Then, we are going to Crissie's wedding and then, Kent's the very next day. Wish me luck. I've tried the double header wedding weekend before and I failed. Meghan won the battle (kinda).

I have been doing a lot more cities lately. Would you like to see them? Okay, here you go. The red painting of ATL is the one that was sold in the Atlanta High Museum of Art for charity. I just wanna give a shout out to Dustin who made it possible for my art to be at the High Museum. Thanks bro.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bloody Feet

It's a painting of the singer from a band called TINSEL TEETH. I saw them play when I was working at O'Brien's. I went to check out their Myspace and saw some pretty crazy pictures of the singer who must have stepped on some broken glass. I had to do a painting of it cuz T.T. is a pretty hardcore band. And I support that.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

March Update


Here's a list of artsy things I will be doing in the coming months.

March 24th and April 1st, the band I play in, Before Lazers, will be performing at O'Brien's. We also just got a review in the March issue of Northeast Performer Magazine. It's definitely funny and true. Check it:

March 29th, I have a painting in a charity event to benefit the Atlanta High Museum called The Atlanta Wine Auction.. The painting is a landscape of Atlanta's Midtown at night. It will be auctioned off and the money will be donated to their charities.

My work will be showing at a restaurant called ZA in Arlington, MA in the month of May '08. Go check out their menu. They got some crazy ingredients on their za:

May 17 & 18, I will be participating in the South Boston art fair known as THE SOWA ART WALK. Go look at their site. If you too are a nerdy artist, go apply now... er .... it might be too late. Who cares, come chill with me.

See you!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

I have SO MUCH new art + 2 new Gallery Shows

Here are the gallery shows I have coming up in '08:

Starting in January '08, I will have a few pieces hanging in the Out of the Blue Gallery in Cambridge.
They will be hanging for a month or two. Out of the Blue, 106 Prospect Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 354-5287

Then, from January through March, I will have work at Gulu Gulu Cafe in Lynn, MA. Gulu-Gulu Café: Lynn | 56 Central Square, Lynn MA. 01901 | phone: 617-848-5967

Also, from January-February '08, I will have a show up at Cambridge Common/Lizard Lounge.
Cambridge Common, 1667 Mass Ave (Harvard Square), Cambridge; (617) 547-1228

I hope all you kids will come check out one of these shows.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:

And if you want to shoot me an email:
Or give a call: 617.794.3424

I will be sending out opening reception info soon...